Real Estate Promissory Notes

A note is considered performing when the borrower is current with payments. If the borrower is in default, the note is considered non-performing.

Become a Private Lender

We offer our private lenders the opportunity to fund the investment. The property acts as collateral to secure your investment.

Utilize An IRA

In 1974, IRAs were created and gave investors the opportunity to buy real estate with their retirement plans. Most investors believe that their only IRA investment options are bank CDs, the stock market, and mutual funds.

Who Are We?

Since 2017, Realty Note Investors, LLC (RNI) has been building wealth for our investors by purchasing real estate mortgage notes and previously owned residential rental properties. RNI LLC offers private lenders better than average returns by funding our portfolio of mortgage notes secured by real estate. 

About Realty Note Investors, LLC

Leading Real Estate Investment Company for Performing and Non-Performing Mortgage Notes in southwest Florida.

Specialize in the acquisition and disbursement of Real Estate Mortgage Notes.



We provide all our private lenders legal documents protecting their investments. Promissory Note, Collateral Assignment, Mortgage, it all depends on the type of asset we are purchasing.

Exit Strategies

We typically will not touch a deal with only 1 exit strategy, this mitigates the downside risk and helps to protect our investors capital.

Analyzing The Deal

We analyze all our deals for performing and non-performing exit strategies before we move forward with a buy price.

Private Lending

We offer unique opportunities for investors. Two of the most popular are:

⦁ Private lending. With this option, you are lending RNI capital at a specific interest rate for a 12 – 60 month term. You’ll receive principal and interest payments in accordance with the terms specified in loan documents.

⦁ Partial loan purchase. With this option, you are purchasing a set number of payments from a performing loan earning a specific interest rate on your investment. You’ll receive payments monthly.

Our Commitment to Education

Membership in a capital management brain trust. A best practice sharing group of more than 40 individuals positioned in various capacities throughout the real estate investment industry.


Regular attendance at industry conferences and webinars. We attend Distressed Debt, Note, and SDIRA conferences and incorporate fresh perspectives into how we work with clients.

What Makes Us Different?

As in any industry, there are professional thought leaders and then there are amateur opportunists. At Realty Note Investors LLC, our core value is integrity.

We have a conservative and thorough due diligence process, and we protect our private lenders at all costs.


We are highly experienced in finding the best available deals and implement the best investment 

strategy to provide high ROI for our Partners and Investors.

Frank Fiore Jr.


Frank went to work as a carpenter out of high school working mostly in Boston Massachusetts after 10 years of earning his living as a carpenter he changed his focus.

Lisa DeCastro​


Lisa started her career as a CAD drafter for BAE Systems and at construction companies. She has always had an interest in the law and real estate field so she decided.

Leadership TEAM

The RNI LLC leadership team is ethical, knowledgeable, and highly motivated.

Our clients leverage our direct experience in many types of real estate transactions and the relationships we’ve built throughout the marketplace.

Frank Fiore Jr.

Portfolio Manager, Asset Assessment, Due Diligence, Exit Strategies, and Vendor Management

Lisa Fiore

Legal Research, Portfolio Maintenance, Accounting, and Bookkeeping


You have questions and we have the answers. Contact us today!

 978 703 8967
Lakewood Ranch Florida